Summer Pfurr

My most photographed subject is without a doubt my very own ginger moggy Barney. I have had him since 4 weeks old, he is now 5 and handsome as ever. I find it quite therapeutic and mesmerizing to photograph cats because they really are a rule to themselves. In 2011 I began photographing voluntarily for a local cat rescue called Mimi's Rescue Cats. I made a very good friend called Maria Teresa, who together with her friend Madelaine single handedly ran their cat shelter without any funding. Sadly they had to close but the cats are still well looked after and I still contribute to their Facebook page as well as photograph any cats that are looking for forever homes. Recently I had a trip down memory lane whilst photographing a couple of little ginger kittens, it was just like my gorgeous Barney all over again. If you would like to see more of my feline photos as well as my increasing canine ones too please visit and if you are interested in fostering or adopting any of Mimi's rescue's please go to their facebook page

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